Eriyik Basınç Sensörlerinin Tamiri Var Mı

Are Melt Pressure Sensors Repaired

Melt Pressure Sensors consist of Electronic and Mechanical Structure.

Melt Pressure Sensors are sensors that measure the pressure of melted plastic (melt) at high temperature used in Extruder lines. Melt Pressure Sensors consist of Electronic and Mechanical Structure.
We have a 1-year Warranty Service against Electronic Card Failures on our products. In these cases, the Electronic Card of your product is repaired and offered to your service. The warranty period varies according to the usage area. We have support against malfunctions that may occur in electronic components.
However, since the repair costs against diaphragm failures will be very high, we recommend you to buy a new product instead of support.
Warranty&Repair is out of scope for faults made during assembly or mechanical failures due to impact. You can visit our website for the steps to be taken into consideration during assembly.
You can contact us for your Melt Pressure Sensors and Melt Thermocouple needs..
Tel & Whatsapp : 0541 299 6141
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